About Us

Get your “Aprons On, People” is an encouraging call to action for those who want to get in the kitchen and make great food!

Here you will find recipes that our family loves, and we hope you find your favorites here too! We’re so excited about building this resource together and that you, our lovely reader, enjoy these recipes as much as we do! We hope that you try new things and incorporate new flavors and ideas into your food creations.

Let’s begin our journey together! ♥

Our Story

Mother and Daughter embrace

Mother & Daughter food blogging ♥

Our Story

Our story begins at home where we are always looking for the BEST version of recipes. We, of course, enjoy tasty & simple recipes and want to share our creations with you, our reader. We hope you enjoy making these recipes alongside us, and that you will tag us in your posts so we can see what you’ve been cooking, baking & grilling! #apronsonpeople

Our Mission

To inspire, encourage and illustrate step-by-step recipes that are full of flavor and are achievable by the home cook. These recipes are compiled over time to create a large collection of the BEST version of well-loved family favorite recipes.


Our Family at the Cottage

Family on a rocky beach

Welcome to our food blog!♥

mother and daughter food bloggers

Hi! We’re Cheryl & Madi, mother & daughter. Here you’ll find our favorite recipes with easy step-by-step photos and videos. Learn more


We’re not a professional chefs — just self-taught cooks with a passion for sharing our recipes.

All the photos on this blog are our own, so please don’t use them without our permission.

Some of the links here are affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through them.

Some Interesting Facts About Us

  1. We’re both certified teachers in Canada, Cheryl in Ontario & Madi in Alberta
  2. We both enjoy fitness – one of us may spend more time at the gym than the other.. but, we won’t name names! 🙂
  3. We both love the Lord Jesus Christ from whom all blessings flow, and thank Him every day for every good thing in our lives. ♥

About Cheryl

This year I turned 50 years young and am taking some time out of my usually super-busy schedule to spend more time doing the things that bring me great JOY! I enjoy spending time with my family, planning for our next holiday together and making great food. I still enjoy teaching, but am excited to continue on with it in a lesser capacity to allow me the time and energy to pursue other adventures – including food blogging!

About Madi… (coming soon!)